Kaidu Kha

"I didn't do that, I swear!"

Abandoning his tradition-steeped life in the Azim Steppes, Kaidu Kha now finds foes in his fleeting adolescence in the lands to the West. He currently is employed and finds refuge within the Dusk Spear Alliance, a tribe of Xaelan outcasts and allies.

The Xaelan man is known for his knack of youthful shenanigans, timidness, and general clumsiness.

General Information

  • Age: 19

  • Race / Clan: Au Ra / Xaela

  • Gender: Male

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Relationship Status: Single^

  • Occupation: Mercenary of the Dusk Spear Alliance

^ I only consider relationships with those I trust.

  • Skin: Light Brown

  • Hair: Black, cut uneven and is shoulder length

  • Eyes: Golden, without glowing limbals

  • Height: 6'5"

  • Build: Muscular

  • Scars, Tattoos, and other Marks: Burn scars from the bottom of the neck down to mid-chest, and a three pronged scar spanning the entire width of his chest.




"I think others appreciate me. Weeeeeell, sometimes."

  • Kete Sunir - Positive - Kaidu sees Kete as a father/older brother figure, immediately finding respect in the Khan from the beginning, especially after completing a hunt together. Kete somehow deals with Kaidu's mishaps with tact, and attempts to right the boy by taking him under his wing. Time will surely tell if Kete's teachings will show positive results.

  • Chabi Burkitshi - Neutral - Kaidu really started off on the wrong foot with Chabi. He's broken several things in the house, ruined floors, and does an assortment of questionable things - all to give Chabi reasons to dock his pay and yell at him. He still isn't sure what to make of her, but sometimes he gets the feeling that she reminds him of his estranged mother. He secretly hopes to prove that he's more than just an annoying brat.

  • Icarus Crane - Positive - Although he can't really understand what he's trying to say most of the time, Kaidu finds Icarus as a good companion in the Tribe. He likes that Icarus sees potential in him and hopes to understand more about the cryptic cards he so covets.

  • Xaxiana Kaisuri - Neutral - As a shinobi of excellent skill, Kaidu can't help but envy Xaxiana as she easily dispatches foes with her tiny knives! Though, she has revealed quite a temper when it comes to magic and anything said to her that's inappropriate. Kaidu is probably going to steer clear from Xaxiana the best he can to avoid getting poked.

  • Syf Kha - Neutral - Kaidu isn't quite sure about Syf yet, as most of his time around her is being completely and utterly embarassed. That, and the one time she elbowed him in the dodo nuggets. He still laments about it to this day. Other than that, he's amazed at the bubbliness of her attitude that shifts into a ruthless, fighting spirit when she's engaged in combat.

  • Okhi Kha - Neutral - Kaidu's scared of her, secretly. Well, that goes for any woman. But Okhi? Okhi is openly violent, a typical trait found in Xaelan tribesfolk, and Kaidu fears of being on the other end of her gunblade.

  • Jyaki Valewyn - Positive - Jyaki is probably the only woman who hasn't been a. upset with kaidu, and b. yelled at him... yet. As such, he isn't used to her kindness, immediately clamming up when she compliments him or speaks of him highly. He also finds her cool because she happens to know of a Dragoon.

OOC Info

  • Balmung / EST

  • LGBTQ+ Friendly

  • Discord: sylvissa#5920

  • Walkup Friendly / Tell Friendly

  • Paragraph RP, prefer sparring scenes / combat

  • Mature RP is accepted.

  • I'm not looking for ERP, sorry.

  • Injuries : Ok! Death: nono

  • I prefer to RP with those aged 18+, thanks!

  • Open for RP partners, character arcs, etc. - Just let me know! :D

  • Disclaimer: It should honestly be left unsaid, but I'm not interested in anything OOC other than friendship.


  • Profile Icon above by squidkitsune

  • 2, 3, 4, are by yours truly, me.

  • 5 is by my lovely GM, Chabi

  • 6 and 7 is by my FC mate, Jyaki Valewyn

  • Background and above image is by halfricecooker on artistsnclients